kortingopjeverzekering.nl saves you money on your insurance.
kortingopjeverzekering.nl saves you money on your insurance.


Discounts on your health insurance and other insurances

If you work for an employer in the Achterhoek region, Discount on Your Insurance offers you substantial group discounts on your private insurance policies. These discounts can be as much as 20% advantage!

We offer this collectivity benefit as "Achterhoeks Collectief". This always provides very good coverage for a competitive premium.

Our non-health insurance offer is always at least 10% cheaper than your current insurance. Because we work with well-known insurers, this often means better coverage at a very competitive rate. So with Discount on your Insurance you can easily save money and be better insured.

Health Insurance
All insurances

Summary of discounts

The overview of all discounts we offer on health insurance for 2023 can be found here. The discounts on all other insurance policies are here.

Personal advice

We are not an Internet provider; that means we provide a personalized quote for each request. After receiving your request we will contact you within 2 business days. 

Besides, you can just call us if you still have questions. Or want advice. This personal attention combined with our competitive offer makes kortingopjeverzekering.nl the best choice for your insurances. For your regular insurance and for your health insurance.


We understand that delving into your insurance is often a hassle. That's why we're happy to give you advice. Feel free to contact us to see how we can best help you. We will be happy to look with you to see how we can arrange for the most benefit on the best suited insurance policies.
